Broken Mirage

The 3 T's - Tips, Tutorials, and Thoughts


I’m Bearumha, and this is my first blog post!

It’s January 2023, and I finished creating my website (my head hurts just trying to learn some CSS… respect to all the web designers and programmers out there), drawing Chapter 1, and storyboarding a few chapters of my webcomic. I plan on posting my webcomic next month (February 02, 2023), but it has been a rough and wild ride. Before I even got to this point, I spent months planning, drawing, and designing. And even then, the story, the panels and the layout changed as I drew them out. So, I’m making this blog to discuss my experiences and the behind-the-scenes.

I’m a novice and I’m still learning and improving my craft. But I hope my experiences can be helpful to other webcomic creators and inspire other artists to do what they love.

The 3 Ts –Tips, Tutorials, and my Thoughts

The 3 T's - Tips, Tutorials, and Thoughts

Tips and Tutorials

I plan on making tips and tutorials. A lot goes into creating a webcomic, such as paneling, storyboarding, and what kind of webcomic format you want. And I want to inform others of my process, my tips, and how I did it. I also plan on making articles about color theory and forms. To be clear, it will not be professional. I didn’t go to an art school. I’m a self-taught artist, so it’s how I did/ do it and my process.

Also, I did not expect so much goes into creating a website (domains, hosting, font sizes, responsive themes, etc…). So, I also plan on writing some articles about how I made this website to help inform people who want to make their webcomic website. Again, to be clear, I’m not an expert, and you will get better advice from a web designer and a programmer, but it is what I did while making this website.

Thoughts and Experiences

I plan on writing about my thoughts and experiences about art in general. As I got older, I tend to look back and ponder about my life and the paths I’ve taken. It will most likely be ramblings and my feelings. (Something I want to tell my younger self…) Rather than keep it to myself, I want to write it out and share my thoughts.

sad bearumha


That being said. That’s what you can expect from this blog! The 3 T’s (thoughts, tips, and tutorials). I’m not a professional, I’m still learning, but I hope sharing my experiences can be helpful to others.

Check out my Webcomic “Broken Mirage

Prefer Scroll Format? You can read it on Webtoons and Tapas

Bearumha’s Social Media

